The CDC reported that at least 701 people from 14 states had been infected with Cyclospora cayetanensis that had trace evidence to bagged salad mixes containing iceberg lettuce, carrots, and red cabbage manufactured at Fresh Express facility in Streamwood, IL. On June 19, 2020, the company recalled the bagged salad mixes. The PHA of Canada is also investigating an outbreak of cyclosporiasis infections occurring in three Canadian provinces in which Fresh Express brand salad products. As a result, the FDA inspected the facility. The FD issued the facility a Form FDA 483. During the outbreak, environmental samples tested by the FDA detected the presence of Cyclospora in the surface water of a canal near a farm suspected of being a source of the red cabbage in your bagged salad mix. The FDA requested that Fresh Express improve traceability to get timely information as required. @