As of January 16, 2024, the FDA has received 89 confirmed complaints/reports of adverse events potentially linked to recalled products. The CDC is conducting case finding efforts in collaboration with state and local health departments. CDC’s case definition for state partners includes a blood lead level of 3.5 µg/dL or higher measured within 3 months after consuming a recalled WanaBana, Schnucks, or Weis brand fruit puree product after November 2022. As of January 12, the CDC has received reports of 93 confirmed cases, 233 probable cases, and 28 suspected cases for 354 cases from 41 states. Report Date Ranges: October 17, 2023 – January 9, 2024 States with Complaint/Report: AL (1), AR (1), AZ (1), CA (1), CT (1), FL (1), GA (2), IA (1), IL (5), IN (1), KY (3), LA (4), MA (3), MD (7), MI (8), MO (3), NC (6), NE (2), NH (1), NJ (1), NM (1), NY (8), OH (3), OK (1), PA (2), SC (2), TN (3), TX (3), VA (2), WA (4), WI (2), WV (2), Unknown (3) @