2/25/2022- The FDA updated the information about its investigation into Cronobacter and Salmonella in infant formula. As a result of the ongoing investigation, Abbott Nutrition has recalled powdered infant formula products. The FDA advises consumers not to use recalled Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas produced in the Sturgis, MI facility. The recall by Abbott resulted in consumers seeking alternative brands or types of infant formula. The recall has created new concerns about the availability of certain types of infant formula, particularly given the overall strains on supply chains experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The FDA is working with Abbott to resume the supply of infant formula. Cronobacter infection surveillance is not nationally notifiable and not reportable except in one state, which means doctors and labs are not required to report cases to their health department. Therefore, the FDA relies on consumer complaints of illness sent to the Agency and health care providers informing the FDA directly about infants with Cronobacter infections. In addition, because Cronobacter is not nationally notifiable, WGS is rarely performed on these isolates. To date, no outbreaks of Cronobacter have been detected using WGS. @ https://www.fda.gov/food/outbreaks-foodborne-illness/fda-investigation-cronobacter-and-salmonella-complaints-powdered-infant-formula-february-2022?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery