The FDA, CDC, and state and local partners investigated a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infections linked to Sun Sprouts-brand alfalfa sprouts grown by SunSprout Enterprises Fremont, NE. As of February 28, 2023, CDC announced that the outbreak is over. CDC reports a total of 63 illnesses in eight states (AZ (1), IA (6), KS (6), MO (9), NE (26), NH (1), OK (1), and SD (13)). The last illness onset was February 2, 2023. On December 29, 2022, SunSprout Enterprises recalled two lots (# 4211 and 5211) of raw alfalfa sprouts due to potential contamination with Salmonella. SunSprout Enterprises expanded the recall on the same day to include two additional lots (# 3212 and 4212) of raw alfalfa sprouts. The raw alfalfa sprouts for all recalled lots (#4211, 5211, 3212, and 4212) are packaged in 4-ounce clamshells and 2.5-lb packages with best sold by dates between 12/10/2022 and 1/7/2023. The recalled products were sold fresh and are past their shelf-life. @
The outbreak investigation of Salmonella in sprouts (December 2022) is complete
Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella: Sprouts (December 2022)
FDA’s investigation is complete. CDC declares outbreak over.
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