Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, wrote about the Anniversary. Ten years ago today, on Jan. 4, 2011, FSMA was signed into law. Congress’ mandate was that the FDA prevents future outbreaks. The FDA finalized the seven foundational rules outlining the risk-based preventive measures required of those covered by FSMA. FSMA dramatically changed regulatory oversight of produce and food importers, providing standards for growing, harvesting, packing, and holding fruits and vegetables. The FDA worked closely with regulatory counterparts in Canada, Mexico, Europe, China, and other trading partners to strengthen safety oversight of food coming to the U.S. The regulation gave the FDA authority for mandatory recall when a manufacturer fails to pull unsafe food from the market voluntarily. Further harmonization will happen when the proposed Food Traceability Rule is adopted. FSMA will be enhanced with the New Era of Smarter Food Safety released in July 2020. New Era initiatives will also enhance root cause analysis in cases where preventive control measures fail. Currently, the FSMA requirements are embedded in the global food system and serve as the foundation for the modernization journey into a New Era. @
The FDA is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Food Safety Modernization by reflecting on the progress made
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act at 10: Reflecting on Progress
For 10 years, dedicated teams of FDA experts, as well as many stakeholders, have been working to implement FSMA.
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