Tahini imported from Israel, Achdut Ltd linked to US Salmonella Outbreak
The FDA announced the recall of Tahini products of all packages and sizes produced on the following dates: April 7th to May 21st 2018, produced by Achdut LTD. of Ariel, Israel due to contamination with Salmonella Concord. The products have expiration dates of April 7, 2020 to May 21, 2020. Some of the Tahini packages might not have dates or the dates are written in Hebrew. The recalled "Tahini" was distributed internationally in retail stores and through mail orders. CDC identified five people in the U.S.that were infected with Salmonella Concord that had the same genetic fingerprint as the Salmonella Concord found in Tahini sampled. Of the five U.S. cases interviewed, all five reported consuming hummus made with Tahini. A sample of Tahini collected by FDA at the point of import tested positive for Salmonella Concord. The probable root cause for this recall is cross contamination. The company has eliminated the source of contamination and preventive steps were taken. @ https://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm626750.ht
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