The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published an annual report on trends and sources of zoonoses> They reported that nearly one in three foodborne outbreaks in the EU in 2018 were caused by Salmonella. In 2018, EU Member States reported 5,146 foodborne outbreaks affecting 48,365 people. Slovakia, Spain, and Poland accounted for 67% of the 1,581 Salmonella outbreaks. These outbreaks were mainly linked to eggs. Salmonellosis was the second most commonly reported gastrointestinal infection in humans in the EU (91,857 cases reported) after campylobacteriosis (246,571). West Nile virus and STEC infections were at unusually high levels. By far, the highest increase in 2018 was in the number of West Nile virus infections. Cases of West Nile virus were seven times higher than in 2017 (1,605 versus 212) and exceeded all cases reported between 2011 and 2017. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) has become the third most common cause of foodborne disease with 8,161 reported cases – replacing yersiniosis with a 37% increase compared to 2017. The number of people affected by listeriosis in 2018 is similar to 2017 (2,549 in 2018 against 2,480 the previous year). However, the trend has been upward over the past ten years. Listeriosis accounts for the highest proportion of hospitalized cases (97%) and the highest number of deaths (229), making it one of the most severe foodborne diseases. @