Salmonella contamination in egg shells and contents from retail in Western Australia

The International Journal of Food Microbiology (August 2019) published an article from a team of researchers that had investigated the prevalence, serovar diversity, multilocus sequence types, and antimicrobial resistance of non-typhoidal Salmonella contamination in retail eggs produced and sold in Western Australia (WA).  In the last 5 years, the number of Salmonellosis cases has more than doubled.  Salmonella was detected in 11.5% of the tested eggs, Salmonella was isolated from 4.5% and 3% of eggshells and egg contents, respectively. In 4% of the samples, Salmonella was recovered from both eggshell and egg contents. Isolates from positive retail egg samples were serotyped as S. Typhimurium in 52.2% or S. infantis in 39.1%. Both serotypes were concurrently recovered from two different retail egg samples. Most (39/41) of Salmonella isolates were susceptible to a panel of 14 antimicrobials, demonstrating minimal risk from antimicrobial resistance Salmonella. @

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