Urban Remedy recalled Urban Remedy Organic Revitalizing Tea Tonic Strawberry Hibiscus Rose (LOT 1232 BEST BY 7/17/2022) because it has the potential to be contaminated with Hepatitis A. Urban Remedy contracts Youngstown Grape Distributors Inc. to co-manufacture this product. The product may contain fresh organic strawberries linked to the FDA outbreak investigation of FreshKampo organic strawberries. The product was sold in a 12oz resealable plastic bottle at various retail stores in CA, NM, VA, CO, WA, OR, CO, NY, PA, AZ, IL, OH, MD, WI, TX, WY, MO, ME, KY, MI, NC, MA, NE, and UT between 5/17/2022 – 5/29/2022. No illnesses have been reported consuming Urban Remedy products to date. @ https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/urban-remedy-recalls-urban-remedy-organic-revitalizing-tea-tonic---strawberry-hibiscus-rose-due-to-possible-hepatitis-a-contamination-301561374.html