Restaurants in California are advised to Stop Selling Min Jiang Food Koi Koi Salmon Products due to Listeria

The FDA Advises Restaurants in California to Stop Selling Koi Koi Trading doing business as (DBS) Min Jiang Food Store raw, ready-to-eat (RTE) salmon products due to Possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. These recalled raw, RTE salmon products may be incorporated into sushi products for consumption.  The Salmon fillets are first wrapped in green parchment paper and then in clear plastic wrap. Salmon heads and bones (per customer request) are placed in clear plastic bags. Bagged/wrapped salmon is then placed into a Styrofoam box labeled “J Foods.” These products are typically sold fresh and do not have a long shelf life, though they can be frozen to extend the shelf life. The FDA conducted environmental sampling and a routine facility inspection of Koi Koi Trading in March 2020. The FDA analyzed 98 environmental swabs, 49 of which tested positive for Listeria species. Three of these swabs were positive for L. monocytogenes. Of these three positives, one was from a food contact surface that was used for descaling and filleting RTE salmon. The two other positives were from areas near exposed RTE salmon. The FDA informed the company of the agency’s concerns, and the company has verbally indicated that it had ceased processing and been undertaking some corrective actions. @

 FDA Advises Restaurants in California to Stop Selling Koi Koi Trading
FDA Advises Restaurants in California to Stop Selling Koi Koi Trading

FDA Advises Restaurants in California to Stop Selling Koi Koi Trading Doing Business as Min Jiang Food Store dba Salmon Products

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