Norway had one of its largest Salmonella outbreaks due to organic alfalfa sprouts

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has confirmed that 230 people have been infected in the largest Salmonella outbreak in almost 40 years. The peak of infection has been reached. The suspicion that organic alfalfa sprouts are the source of infection has been further strengthened. Most of the infected people became ill between November and December 2024. 76 of the infected people have been hospitalized. The infected people are residing throughout the country: Vestland (72), Akershus (24), Trøndelag (19), Oslo (18), Innlandet (15), Møre og Romsdal (13), Rogaland (12), Telemark (11), Vestfold (11), Østfold (11), Agder (7), Buskerud (7), Finnmark (5), Troms (3) and Nordland (2). Of the 230 infected people, 105 were infected with Salmonella Newport, 120 were infected with Salmonella Typhimurium, and 5 were infected with other types of Salmonella. Alfalfa sprouts are believed to be the source of infection because the number of infected people decreased after the sprouts were withdrawn from the market, and Salmonella was found in the sprouts. Salmonella was detected in the sprouts. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are now working with authorities in Norway and other European countries to investigate whether there is a link between these outbreaks and measures that should be taken to prevent similar outbreaks in the future. @



 Et av Norges største salmonellautbrudd er på retur
Et av Norges største salmonellautbrudd er på retur

Folkehelseinstituttet har påvist at 230 personer er smittet i utbruddet av Salmonella, men smittetoppen er nådd. Mistanken mot økologiske alfalfaspirer som smittekilde er ytterligere styrket. 

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