INFOSAN issued its first quarterly report 2023 on food safety

The INFOSAN (International Food Safety Authorities Network) Secretariat reported that it was involved in 47 food safety incidents concerning 53 WHO Member States (MS) and territories from all WHO regions during this first quarter of the year. There were twenty-eight incidents involving a biological hazard [Salmonella spp. (9), Listeria monocytogenes (6), E. coli (3), Clostridium botulinum (2), Hepatitis A (2), Anisakis (1), Cronobacter (1), Entamoeba histolytica (1), Leptospira (1), Norovirus (1), and Shigella (1)]; nine involving a chemical hazard [methanol (2), aflatoxins (1), chlorothalonil (1), ergot alkaloids (1), histamine (1), lead (1), nitrogen (1), and patulin (1)]; six involving an undeclared allergen/ingredient [peanuts (2), egg (1), gluten (1), milk (1), soy (1)]; three involving a physical hazard [glass (1), metal (1), stones (1)]; and one of an unknown hazard. The food categories most commonly involved in the 47 incidents during the first quarter of 2023 were fish and other seafood (6),  meat and meat products (6), composite foods (5), nuts and oilseeds (5), cereals and cereal based products (3), fruit and fruit products (3), milk and dairy products (3), snacks, desserts, and other foods (3), vegetables and vegetable products (3), alcoholic beverages (2), food for infants and small children (2), herbs spices and condiments (2), legumes and pulses (1), non-alcoholic beverages (1), and two unknown food sources. The affected Member States were distributed as follows: 23/53 from the European Region, 9/27 in the Western Pacific, 8/35 in the Americas, 7/47 in Africa, 4/11 in South-East Asia, and 2/21 in the Eastern Mediterranean.@


INFOSAN Quarterly Summary, 2023 #1

Due to the active engagement of INFOSAN members and partners, 53% of incidents were reported to the INFOSAN Secretariat by INFOSAN members (Emergency Contact Points and Focal Points), 28% of those incidents were communicated to the Secretariat through the European Commission’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), and 19% through various WHO channels.

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