Greenyard Estimates Cost of Recall due to Listeria in its Frozen Vegetable at $35 M

Belgium based Greenyard, is a producer of fresh, frozen and prepared fruits and vegetables. Its facility in Hungary is linked to an outbreak that has sickened 47 people in five European countries. Nine people have died. After insurance, Greenyard estimates that the total costs of the recall of frozen vegetables linked to Listeria monocytogenes to be €30 million ($35millions). Trade in the Greenyard share on Monday morning, opened at 8 euro, in the afternoon the stock even dropped to 7.5 euro: a loss of 35 percent. This is the lowest level since the summer of 2012. The company has now closed the Hungary plant and is conducting an investigation into the root cause of the contamination. @
Greenyard estimates US$35M listeria-linked recall cost - Fresh Fruit Portal

The Belgian company has been implicated in a listeria outbreak that has killed nine people in several European countries over the last three years.

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