FSIS Highlights 2022 Accomplishments in Protecting Public Health

The USDA/FSIS announced its key achievements in 2022 that further protected public health through food safety; created more and better market opportunities; and advanced racial justice, equity, and opportunity. USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Emilio Esteban said, "This past year, we continued to move towards strengthening our policy for poultry products linked to Salmonella." In 2022, FSIS announced its intention to declare Salmonella an adulterant in not ready-to-eat breaded and stuffed chicken products. The FSIS goal is to move the agency closer to achieving a reduction in foodborne illnesses and lay the groundwork for more developments in 2023 as FSIS continues its efforts to seek stakeholder feedback to inform planned rulemaking. State Meat and Poultry Inspection (MPI) programs are an integral part of the nation's food safety system; they help prevent supply chain bottlenecks within a state. In 2022, Arkansas and Oregon joined the state MPI program, and FSIS finalized a CIS agreement with Montana. At the close of the year, 29 state inspection programs were operating, as well as a total number of 10 states participating in the CIS program. FSIS collaborates with many partners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of food safety outcomes. This year, FSIS and the CDC signed a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) to enhance data sharing and coordinate critical public health activities. FSIS also updated its MOUs with the FDA to improve coordination on regulatory efforts with dual jurisdiction establishments—as well as with the U.S. OSHA regarding worker safety. @ https://www.fsis.usda.gov/news-events/news-press-releases/fsis-highlights-2022-accomplishments-protecting-public-health


 FSIS Highlights 2022 Accomplishments in Protecting Public Health | Food Safety and Inspection Service
FSIS Highlights 2022 Accomplishments in Protecting Public Health | Food Safety and Inspection Service
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