Frozen raw breaded processed chicken products cause almost 400 illnesses from Salmonella in the UK

Food Safety News reports that almost 400 people became ill due to Salmonella Enteritidis since the start of the year in the United Kingdom after eating frozen chicken products. There have been 327 people sick in England, 32 in Scotland, 26 in Wales, and five in Northern Ireland linked to raw breaded chicken products. For cases where information is available, 36% needed hospitalization, and four people have died (it is not clear that Salmonella caused the death and not COVID-19). There is a high proportion of children sick, as 43% of cases are aged 16 years or younger. @

 Nearly 400 people sick from Salmonella in UK; nearly half are children | Food Safety News
Nearly 400 people sick from Salmonella in UK; nearly half are children | Food Safety News

Almost 400 people have fallen ill with Salmonella since the start of the year in the United Kingdom after eating frozen chicken products. The Food

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