Finally it’s safe to eat romaine lettuce again

According to the CDC latest report, the tally of people that got infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 stands at from 32 states. Since the last update by CDC 23 people from 13 states were added. Of 157 people with information available, 75 (48%) have been hospitalized, including 20 people who developed HUS. One death was reported from California. The FDA reported that the last shipment of romaine lettuce from Yuma AZ was harvested on April 16, 2018. Since the shelf life of the product is 21 days, it is unlikely that any romaine lettuce from Yuma is still available. The most recent illnesses reported to CDC started when romaine lettuce from the Yuma growing region was likely still available in stores, restaurants, and in peoples’ homes. It is interesting to mention that the romaine lettuce was never recalled. @
Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce | Investigation Notice: Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections April 2018 | E. coli | CDC

Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Linked to Chopped Romaine Lettuce

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