Final report on the outbreak of Salmonella Newport in red onions from Thomson International completed: 1,642 sick

According to the CDC, the outbreak of Salmonella Newport in red onions from Thomson International appears to be over. The outbreak resulted in the recall of multiple onion varieties and products containing the onions. The FDA has completed testing of 2,000 products and environmental samples. A variety of genetic strains of Salmonella Newport have been detected, as well as multiple other Salmonella serotypes, from multiple Thomson International Inc. locations and surrounding areas, including water, soil, and scat samples. In all the samples collected, a genetic match has not been identified. In the US, 1,127 illnesses have been reported with 167 hospitalizations and no death. States with Cases: AK (25), AL (2), AZ (39), AR (2), CA (128), CO (32), CT (2), DE (2), FL (8), GA (11), HI (3), ID (43), IL (54), IN (4), IA (31), KS (3), KY (3), ME (6), MD (7), MA (2), MI (47), MN (19), MS (5), MO (11), MT (72), NE (10), NV (11), NH (1), NJ (12), NM (3), NY (14), NC (6), ND (9), OH (11), OK (1), OR (109), PA (27), RI (3), SC (1), SD (23), TN (7), TX (2), UT (115), VA (10), WA (150), WV (3), WI (11), WY (27). Canadian officials reported that there were 515 confirmed cases of Salmonella Newport illness linked to this outbreak in the following provinces: British Columbia (121), Alberta (293), Saskatchewan (35), Manitoba (26), Ontario (14), Quebec (25) and Prince Edward Island (1). 79 individuals were hospitalized.  @

 Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella Newport: Red Onions (July 2020)
Outbreak Investigation of Salmonella Newport: Red Onions (July 2020)

CDC announces the end of the outbreak; FDA continues its investigation.

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