The FDA has released a summary of a new strategy to prevent the contamination of fresh and frozen berries with enteric viruses. The new strategy outlines actions to help the FDA and other interest holders identify preventive measures and ensure their consistent application. Over many years, outbreaks of enteric virus infections, including Hepatitis A (HAV) and human norovirus (NOV), have been linked to fresh and frozen berries in the US and globally. While no enteric virus outbreaks associated with domestic berries have been reported in 35 years, there have been reported outbreaks linked to imported fresh and frozen berries. The prevention strategy is designed to address factors that contribute to the contamination of berries with enteric viruses. The prevention strategy addresses knowledge gaps by fostering scientific research to enhance the ability to detect and characterize enteric viruses in different sample types and link the source of contamination using advanced laboratory methods. The strategy identifies research to understand the ecology of enteric viruses in berry and other fresh produce operations. All the goals aim to reduce future incidences of foodborne illness linked to fresh and frozen berries. @