FDA Launches Agricultural Water Assessment Builder to Help Farms Understand Agricultural Water Proposed Rule Requirements

The FDA released a new user-friendly online Agricultural Water Assessment Builder to help farms understand the proposed requirements for an agricultural water assessment. If finalized, the rule would require farms to conduct systems-based agricultural water assessments to determine and guide appropriate measures to minimize potential risks associated with pre-harvest agricultural water. The assessment would include evaluating the water system, agricultural water use practices, crop characteristics, environmental conditions, and the impacts on source water by activities on adjacent and nearby land. Farms would be required to conduct pre-harvest agricultural water assessments annually. The tool prompts users to answer questions and/or fill in information specific to their farms. Information entered into the tool is not shared with the FDA and will not be saved. However, users have the opportunity to save or print the information they provide to their local computers. @ https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-launches-agricultural-water-assessment-builder-help-farms-understand-agricultural-water-proposed


 Assessment Builder to Help Farms with Agricultural Water Proposed Rule
Assessment Builder to Help Farms with Agricultural Water Proposed Rule

FDA released a new user-friendly online Agricultural Water Assessment Builder to help farms understand the proposed requirements for an agricultural water assessment in the Agricultural Water Proposed Rule.

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