FDA Commissioner Dr. Gottlieb, Outlined FDA’s efforts to promote discovery and development of new tools to fight antimicrobial-resistant infections
According to CDC, each year in the U.S. at least 2 million people are infected with bacteria resistant to antibiotics and 23,000 people die each year as a result of these infections. Despite the growing occurrence of resistant strains, there has been an overall decline in antibiotic drug research. This is especially true for the development of new antibiotics that work through novel mechanisms that can evade existing patterns of resistance. Developing new drugs is a costly venture. New drugs are used sparsely to avoid overexposure. Therefore, it means that a novel antibiotic may have a very limited market, making them economically not profitable. The FDA and other federal agencies are taking new steps to address each of these challenges, including new efforts to address the need for better economic incentives. Bacteria will continue to evolve. Many of the existing antibiotics are old. FDA will need to continuously encourage the development of new therapeutic options to keep pace with these challenges. @ https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm610503.htm?utm_campaign=06122018_Statement_FDA%E2%80%99s%20efforts%20to%20foster%20new%20tools%20to%20fight%20antimicrobial%20resistance&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on FDA’s efforts to foster discovery and development of new tools to fight antimicrobial-resistant infections
The increase in serious antimicrobial drug resistant infections is a critical public health concern and a growing threat to patients. FDA is taking steps to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
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