The FDA has sent a warning letter to the Jimmy John's (JJ) sandwich chain (with more than 2,800 locations in 43 states), saying certain vegetables it served were implicated in five outbreaks of Escherichia coli (STECs) and Salmonella enterica in the past seven years. The data shows that the company, through your franchised Jimmy John's restaurants, engaged in a pattern of receiving and offering for sale adulterated fresh produce, specifically clover sprouts and cucumbers. (1) November to December 2019; outbreak of E. coli O103 (STEC). All interviewed eat at JJ (ii) February 28, 2018 outbreak of Salmonella Montevideo, 10 people were infected with the outbreak strains (Illinois (2), Minnesota (2), and Wisconsin (6)), 80% ate at Jimmy John's (iii) 3. August 1, 2014outbreak of human infections with E. coli O102 (STEC)19 people were infected with the outbreak in Idaho, Montana, Michigan, Utah, California, and Washington. 81% of 16 ill persons reported eating raw clover sprouts in JJ. (iv) October 2013 Outbreak with E. coli O157:H7 (STEC), 8 people from Colorado were infected all report eating a sandwich with raw cucumbers at J Jin the Denver. (v) April 5, 2012-Outbreak with E. coli O26. 29 people from eleven states were infected with an outbreak strain. 85% report eating sprouts at one of six JJ. These outbreaks show a lack of control of suppliers. A warning letter was also sent to the supplier of Jimmy John's. The FDA warned JJ that failure to correct these violations promptly might result in enforcement action by FDA without further notice, including seizure and/or injunction.@
FDA accuses Jimmy John’s of serving vegetables implicated in E. coli and salmonella outbreaks
Jimmy John’s Franchise, LLC - 599962 - 02/21/2020
Food/Prepared Packed or Held Under Insanitary Conditions/Adulterated
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