Domestically Acquired Cases of Cyclosporiasis in the US May–August 2019

The number of reported cases of domestically acquired Cyclosporiasis remains high in the United States since May 1, 2019. According to the CDC, in previous years the reported number of cases of Cyclospora peaked between June and July, although some case we reported as late as September. This year, Cyclospora season is showing no signs of ending early, and as of August 28, 2019, 1,696 laboratory-confirmed cases of cyclosporiasis were reported to CDC by 33 states, District of Columbia and New York City in people who became ill since May 1, 2019. At least 92 people were hospitalized; no deaths were reported. At this year, multiple clusters of cases associated with different restaurants or events are reported by state public health authorities, CDC, and FDA. Some of the cases are related to an outbreak linked to infection from fresh basil imported from Mexico. The lack of validated molecular typing tools for C. cayetanensis makes it difficult to tie individual cases to the outbreak. @

Cyclosporiasis Outbreak Investigations — United States, 2019

CDC and federal, state, and local public health partners are investigating an increase in reported cases of Cyclospora infection (cyclosporiasis). Reports of cases tend to increase during summer months in the United States.

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