Consumer Reports (CR) reported to the USDA that Lunchables contain a troubling high level of lead and sodium. CR tested 12 store-bought Lunchables products from Kraft Heinz and compared them to similar lunch and snack kits from other manufacturers. Although none of the kits exceeded any legal or regulatory limit, the tests uncovered relatively high levels of lead, cadmium, and sodium. CR found that the sodium levels in the store-bought kits ranged from 460 to 740 milligrams per serving, close to ¼ of the daily allowance. Lunchables Extra Cheesy Pizza contains harmful phthalates prevalente in plastic that can be linked to reproductive issues, diabetes, and some cancers. CR concluded that “Lunchables are not a healthy option for kids and shouldn’t be allowed on the menu as part of the National School Lunch Program.” @