The CDC, the USDA-FSIS, the FDA, and several state public health and regulatory officials are investigating a Listeria outbreak. The Information collected by November 9, 2022, shows that deli meat and cheese purchased at deli counters in multiple states are the likely sources of this outbreak. The CDC reported 16 illnesses associated with this outbreak in six states (California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7)). Thirteen hospitalizations and one death. It is difficult for investigators to identify a single food as the source of outbreaks linked to deli meats and cheeses. This is because Listeria spreads easily between food and the deli environment and can persist for a long time in deli display cases and on equipment. A contaminated food likely introduced the outbreak strain of Listeria into delis in multiple states. Investigators are working to identify any specific products or delis that may be contaminated with the outbreak strain. @