An article entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance Hidden within Multiserovar Salmonella Populations“published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2021 May 18;65(6)), shows that there may be more antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella in cattle than previously thought. The research found that traditional culturing methods used to test livestock for pathogens often miss drug-resistant strains of Salmonella. Their data showed that 60% of cattle fecal samples contained multiple strains of Salmonella that traditional testing methods missed. Additionally, many samples tested positive for a drug-resistant Salmonella Reading. The Salmonella population changed after treatment with antibiotics, allowing S. reading to thrive. The data suggest that traditional tests have underestimated the amount of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The use of CRISPR-SeroSeq flagged the Salmonella Reading regardless of antibiotic treatment. Using CRISPR-SeroSeq can help estimate the numbers of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella. @
Antimicrobial Resistance is hidden within multiserovar Salmonella populations in cattle
University of Georgia study finds antibiotic-resistant bacteria in cattle
Harmful bacteria are hiding in livestock. Traditional methods of detecting and tracking antibiotic-resistant germs aren’t detecting them.
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