255 people reported sick; 12 hospitalized due to Salmonella after eating at Pasha Restaurant in San Antonio

The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District reported that 255 people got ill and 12 have been hospitalized due to Salmonella outbreak, at Pasha Mediterranean Grill. Laboratory results show evidence Of Salmonella in 14 people tested to date. The director of Metro Health, Dr. Colleen Bridger, said the agency knows that salmonella is the cause, “We don’t know where it came from, food handlers, or whether it came from the food that was being served or both." The officials found that the restaurant’s refrigeration wasn’t cold enough and the staff wasn’t handling food properly among a number of other health violations. The restaurant’s managers admitted that at least two of their employees ended up getting sick with salmonellosis. They had also returned to work without the proper doctor’s release to do so. The health agency believes the case numbers will only grow. @ https://amp.ksat.com/news/60_-people-reported-sick-following-foodborne-illness-outbreak-at-pasha
255 people reported sick; 12 hospitalized after eating at Pasha, officials say


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