According to a report issued by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services FDA took too long to remove contaminated foods from the markets. On average it took off 57 days to recall items after the FDA was informed of the potential danger. In some cases, people became ill and even died after the FDA was notified of the problem. @ https://oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region1/11601502RIB.pdf
While tuberculosis is of most concern as it relates to antibiotic resistance, some foodborne bacteria also made the list. The list includes salmonella and campylobacter (the leading cause of foodborne diarrheal disease in the world). @ https://www.thedailybeast.com/who-is-now-ranking-20-worst-antibiotic-resistant-pathogens-facing-mankind
Assembles triage list for researchers, drug makers, with tuberculosis at No. 1.