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World Health Organization is Ranking Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

While tuberculosis is of most concern as it relates to antibiotic resistance, some foodborne bacteria also made the list. The list includes salmonella and campylobacter (the leading cause of foodborne diarrheal disease in the world). @

Assembles triage list for researchers, drug makers, with tuberculosis at No. 1.








Outsourcing of pathogen testing on the rise

Research has shown that in recent years more and more food processors send their pathogen testing to outside laboratories. The implementation of FSMA regulations is resulting in better understanding of the importance of accurate pathogen analysis. In this survey, 60 percent of the processing locations reported sending their pathogen samples out to a commercial lab, but when measuring the volume of samples outsourced, 75 percent of the samples in this survey were sent out. One reason for this trend is laboratory accreditations that are harder to meet. @

The way processors view their responsibilities regarding microbiological testing is changing. Regulatory pressure and a focus on food safety are causing changes in where processors do their testing.