BioExpert and why you should use it
This website is a place for an interactive forum for the discussion of topics facing the food safety community. It will be a place for the exchange of information, get expert opinions, and to deal with hot topics as they emerge and also to get the latest industry news. is such a site. Currently there is no such resource for the food safety community and it could become a premier focus point for information.
The site will allow viewing of previously asked questions and their answers, ask new questions, or comment on a question or a topic. In the center of the first page there is a selector with various categories. A user can follow a category, a specific question and be notified when someone relates to it. Eventually it will create a comprehensive database of questions, answers and discussions. The following categories are included: testing methods (conventional and molecular), food law, food safety, and various commodities such as dairy, beverages, acid foods, fruit, and vegetables. Any knowledgeable member can volunteer to answer questions he/she chooses.
Reasons to Join
Learn from the expert panel and get access to their knowledge”. For the experts it is an opportunity to help the community and evolve the expertise. The archived question and answers will create a searchable knowledge database that can be very valuable to members. . This will be a great opportunity to stand out in the industry as an expert of your field and help shape up the information exchange. I believe that it can be an invaluable resource to the food safety community. It can also serve as a place for discussions on hot topics or evolving topics, allowing for immediacy in relating to such topics. I want to invite you to join It could develop to be a hub and show case of the leaders of the food industry as well as a tremendous resource to newcomers. If you have an interesting blog I would like to invite you to contribute it to the site. Please share with me ( your thought and suggestions so that together we can make this site better.