Archive of April, 2024


Romaine lettuce E. coli outbreaks rattle the food and grocery industries-Where are we Now?
The CDC and the FDA decision to order the removal of all romaine lettuce from supermarket shelves costs supermarkets millions of dollars. It also sent a very strong warning to the produce sector. Food Drive quoted David Acheson saying “It’s very effective, but talk about taking a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.” Having three outbreaks of E. coli in romaine lettuce in such a short time is unacceptable. Consumers feel that the repeat outbreaks indicate that no one is protecting the public and consequently a number of lawsuits have been filled. For example, the Lange Law Firm filed its first lawsuit in the latest...


The FDA issued a report on findings from the investigation of the California-linked romaine lettuce outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in November 2018
Adam’s Bros farm treated the agricultural water with a sanitizer before use. However, the records did not document if it applied sufficient sanitizer to eliminate pathogens present in the water. It is not clear how the outbreak strain entered the water reservoir. The E. coli O157:H7 strain might have been there for months or even years. Alternatively, it could have been introduced into the reservoir from an unknown source. Near the reservoir, there was evidence of wild animal activity (waterfowl, rodents, coyotes, etc.) To help ensure that leafy greens are safe and to reduce the potential of future contamination, it is important to...


Advantages of XENON Pulsed Lamps as an alternative UV source for Surface Sterilization

Cheigh, C. I., Hwang, H. J., & Chung, M. S. “Intense pulsed light (IPL) and UV-C treatments for inactivating Listeria monocytogenes on solid medium and seafoods” Food Research International 54 (1) 745-752 (2013) Bohrerova, Z., Shemer, H., Lantis, R., Impellitteri, C. A., & Linden, K. G. “Comparative disinfection efficiency of pulsed and continuous-wave UV irradiation technologies” Water research 42 (12), 2975- 2982 (2008) Newcomer, H. S. “The abiotic action of ultra-violet light” Journal of Experimental Medicine 26 (6) 841-848 (1917) Rowan, N. J., MacGregor, S. J., Anderson, J. G., Fouracre, R. A., McIlvaney, L., & Farish, O. “Pulsed-light inactivation of...


What design is your Quality System? Is it a reactive and inspection-based design or is it a proactive risk-based prevention design?
In today’s environment of increased consumer expectations, customer demands, potential regulatory intervention, and complex supply chains, along with consistent financial pressures, it is irrefutable product performance is extremely critical to brand equity. We see daily examples of significant product failures in consumer’s hands. We’ve all seen these stats. The FDA estimates 48 million cases of foodborne illnesses annually—sickening 1 in 6, 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 American deaths annually. Since the start of 2014, there have been more than 100 million vehicles recalled in the United States. That number is just shy of half of all vehicles on the road today. Are...