Archive of April, 2024


E. coli outbreak in lettuce- Can blockchain Traceability Change the Recall Process?
Two outbreaks of lettuce infected with E. coli: source not found In the last several months two outbreaks related to romaine lettuce were reported. First Outbreak: The first outbreak was announced on December 11, 2017, by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), involving 21 STEC O157:H7 infections in three provinces linked to romaine lettuce. The CDC PulseNet (the national subtyping network of public health and food regulatory agency laboratories), identified a cluster of five STEC O157:H7 infections in the United States. (CDC ) Whole Genome Sequencing showed that the cases in both countries were genetically closely related. In the US 25 people...


Romaine Lettuce: The FDA Dilemma to Recall or Not and When to Recall
Where are we today? According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC) the outbreak due to E. coliO157:H7 that started in March of 2018, involves a total of 129 people. Sixty-four (50%) of them have been hospitalized, and one death. A very troubling aspect of this outbreak is that 17 of those sickened have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).  The extremely high number of hospitalization for the outbreak and the high number of HUS patients is because the E. coli O157:H7 produces Shiga toxin type 2 (STX2). The Shiga toxin type 2 binds to the lining of blood vessels in the kidneys, digestive system and brain,...